Saturday, January 27, 2007


Ten things I have learned since being in Kansas:
1 Contrary to popular belief, Walmarts are not all the same.
2 Unlike some metropolitan areas that sort of merge together, when traveling from one
community to another, there is not much in between. In other words, you know where one
one town ends and the other begins
3. Kansas is pretty flat, only rolling bumps
4. Tractors are a hot commodity and you can plow streets with them
5. You can have more than 7 days in a row with sunshine
6. Traveling with kids is always an adventure and never dull.
a. DVD players built into cars is a good thing
b. never forget the kids juice/water cups/snacks
c. practice up on all the kid songs that you know from your childhood
d. some kids are good travelers, others not so good even on short runs
e. always be prepared for the why questions, practice lots of patience
f. it is a good idea to always have an extra set of clothes for the kids, stuff happens
well anyway, you get the picture
7. Town meetings are announced with the tornado warning siren. Don't be late
8. Water towers are everywhere, you know the big tall ones you always saw in pictures
9 You can play in the snow without getting soaked
10. Coffee shops are not on every corner. I know now where there are three, one in
Junction City and one in Manhattan and one on the base. None of them is a Starbucks. Go
figure. I have come to really appreciate a latte when I get one.


Karen S said...

Yea ... this my the first successful attempt to post on your blog! I tried about a week ago and it didn't work. So, just want to say that you are a great communicator ... I love the personality in your writing! AND, like others who've commented ...WOW! & CONGRATULATIONS for Jeremy's great-looking face in the TIME magazine! Your heart must be at "popping-point", because every time Grant and I talk about it, even I tear up. Immediately, an image of Jeremy comes to mind back when he was in Mrs. Glaspey's class! What a neat thing to be our age and watch the unfolding of our kid's lives. God is good, eh? Sooooooooo glad you're able to be in...Kansas!??! Yep, its's right where God wants you - even without Starbucks. I've come to love the Costco brand coffee beans. It comes in a giant Costco-size (or Army-issue size) that is comparable to some of the best (even Raven's Brew Resurrection Blend). I should ask, "Is there a Costco?" If not, I know the commissary has great choices of just about everything. Anyway, just wanted to add our well-wishes and prayers to you all.

Veta said...

Well when I jump ship, I don't mess around. I do it in a big way. Change of life, change of environment the whole works. I wish we had Costco here but no. I have heard of the Costco beans however. So what are you doing these days?

Karen S said...

We're both adjusting to "down South" but at a much faster pace than Kansas. Gig Harbor is just across the bridge from Tacoma and life and traffic has gotten lots busier since we lived in this area 25 years ago ... but like you, it's where God wants us. We're doing well and happy as a clam to be able to see our kids and grandkids often. Yes, you can relate!! I'll keep tabs on you through your blog site - so very good to hear from you!!