Wednesday, January 24, 2007

After the storm

It is now several days following our snow storm and it is beautiful. The snow is still on the ground, the sky is blue. the sun is shining and the daytime temperature has been in the upper thirties to slowly melt the snow as it should. Sorry Ketchikanians for your grey dismal weather. There are areas where there has been nothing to disturb the snow and it is glistening in the brightness of the sun as it lays like a soft blanket over the earth. There were times on those rare sunny days in Ketchikan that I felt like a mole who had not seen the light of day for weeks. I was out walking today with the dog and thinking this was all just for me. Now don't get me wrong folks, I love Alaska and it will always be a part of me but I have to say that days like today make me forget that there aren't any mountains here. The sky goes on forever and there is nothing to block the view. I hope I will still be saying these words come July or August when the ground is dry and parched and the wind is blowing and I can't see for all of the dust and the grit that is in my contact lenses. But for today and I will take one day at a time, the snow is fabulous and it looks like it may be here for a little longer. I once said, I don't know why anyone would live in Kansas and look at me now. I guess God has a sense of humor and He wants me to eat my words or something. As I learned when I first moved to Alaska, you have to take the good with the bad and maybe this is the good for Kansas. So while some of you folks don your yellow slickers and your Ketchikan sneakers, just think of me while I don my sunglasses to shade my eyes from the glaring sun and run out to make snow angels in the "dry" snow.

1 comment:

sixwickerts said...

Hey!!! We saw Jeremy in TIME :) We are so proud of him!! David posted it on his blog :)