Saturday, June 2, 2007

First Fruits

Ok people, check out the first fruits of our labor.
Yes they are radishes! Neither heavy rain, hail, nor blazing sun shall keep our radishes from growing and we have had them all.

The kids were very excited to actually see something come out of the ground after watching the little plants get bigger and bigger. It's going to taste yummy on our next salad.
We also have baby zucchini, plum tomatoes and today we saw our first baby cucumber. The heavy rain we had while back shuffled our seeds around and we had radishes come up in three different spots, and we still have not seen any sign of a carrot. Some of the peas came up but we have since replanted the vacant spots and I will try one more time with the carrots and hope they don't drown with another downpour. Whoever said it doesn't rain in Kansas, has not seen it rain in Kansas and has not seen our lake which has flowed over it's boundaries into the campground.


Julie said...

You're really enjoying rubbing it in to us SE Alaskans, posting pictures of garden fresh veggies, aren't you! Well, I'll admit that I'm a little "green" with envy, and I wonder what it would be like to be able to plant a garden with a more normal growing season! We do have lettuce growing nicely, and also some spinach. The tomatoes and cucumbers are a long ways off, since we lack a greenhouse. In a couple of weeks we hope to harvest some beach asparagus though...the best kind of greens because we do nothing to make them grow but we can have all we want! Enjoy your garden, grandkids, and daughter-in-law!

Veta said...

Well it's like this, I never dreamed I would ever live in Kansas. It's the kind of place you laugh and joke about, you know the Oz thing. Well now that I am here, I figure I may as well make the most of it. I still love the Northwest best and I do miss the mountains.